

I crave for you.
and my hunger is irrepressible; and
it is this. this aching after you
that makes you so glorious, so revolting, so lacking.
maybe it is that of fear;
of a mistake once affected.
once bitten,
twice shy.
I was chewed on five times.
faults linger like ghosts
caught on negatives;
was this the bed I chose to make?
uncertain, wavering
shadows that clout a
candid smile.
and yet;
my eyes delude me
you are so charming.
kiss the skies-
as they let in
you- your brilliance seduction
that turns my mind; a raging fashion
into a frenzied passion.
forgive me.
you are forgiven,
but one
always forgets
to erase
the scar
of a wound

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